True Blood is soo lowley<3
Hello lowers'
I've been watching the 3 last episodes of 'True Blood' today. The last ones in this season. I can't wait for the next! And I think I'm going to die. 'cause I just lowe it.

so beautiful. <3

Sookie is soo sweet and pretty. jealous.

Sookie and Bill.<3 more jealous.
I've been watching the 3 last episodes of 'True Blood' today. The last ones in this season. I can't wait for the next! And I think I'm going to die. 'cause I just lowe it.

so beautiful. <3

Sookie is soo sweet and pretty. jealous.

Sookie and Bill.<3 more jealous.
♥ linnea
Svar; Japp i biblan :D Tidningen säljs inte i affär :) Nej i Vaggeryd :) Nej du är nog den ända som gillar han som jag vet i närheten ;D Hjortsjöskolan i Vaggeryd ;) Själv? :) Kram
♥ linnea
Svar; Okej :D Du menar Linn? Nej det är hon inte :P haha, hon tycker inte om han ;) Om älskar Robin Bengtsson ;) kram